From Crisis to Collaboration: Turning 'Too Little Too Late' into a Rallying Call for Green, Fin, and Tech to Unite and Ensure Sustainability
GoImpact once again partnered with The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School (“CUHK Business School”) for their second collaboration to release the groundbreaking Green Fintech Report 2023 - titled “The Intersection of Green, Fin, and Tech: A Study across 5 APEC Economies”. This comprehensive study, supported by Ant Group, builds upon the success of last year's report and provides deeper insights into the developmental landscape of Green Fintech across five APEC economies, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, The Republic of Korea (South Korea), and Singapore.
China Daily: HKEX to offer high-integrity carbon trading
In developing a voluntary carbon market(VCM), combating corporate greenwashing is one of the key pillars. “Greenwashing is a real threat to the whole Sustainable Finance and ESG agenda."said our Co-Founder & CEO, Helene Li. "First, a heightened reporting and disclosure regime on listed companies. Second, pressure on the independent directors. Third, educate the corporates, so they do not see ESG as a threat.” Thank you China Daily for featuring Helene and our working paper released with The Chinese University of Hong Kong - CUHK Business School, “Exploring the Green Fintech Ecosystem in Asia: Insights from Five Economies in APEC” in this article on Carbon Market, "HKEX to Offer High-Integrity Carbon Trading".
隨著前所未有的ESG(環境、社會及企業管治)浪潮湧入亞洲,越來越關注可持續投資的私人投資者有望成為監管機構以外最大的推動力。── 區倩怡;編輯 鄧詠筠
「相信大家已經見到大量資金正流入與ESG相關的資產及ETF,」站在位於香港的共享辦公室中,ESG及可持續金融初創公司恩博資本(GoImpact)的合辦人陶懷方向「影響力投資及可持續發展大趨勢」課程的學生介紹道,「我們意識到在投資者和企業方面存在ESG領域的知識缺口,透過這些課程,希望我們能夠一起努力,實現聯合國設定的碳中和目標⋯⋯」這堂課看似普通,但在螢幕後越洋上課的卻非一般學生,而是來自大型銀行、跨國企業、保險公司和上市公司的高級管理層 — 他們希望透過課程,了解席捲全球的ESG投資趨勢。隨著前所未有的ESG浪潮湧入亞洲,越來越多私人投資者和企業高層已經意識到,ESG已不再是流於表面的投資理念,而是會實際影響企業表現以至資金來源的大趨勢。推動落實ESG目標的真正推手,亦因此由過去的監管機構,逐漸變成手持250萬億資產的私人投資市場。
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: A Study into Tech Brands’ Perception & Impact
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: A Study into Tech Brands’ Perception & Impact
ESG掀巨浪 GoImpact推動議程主流化
有見ESG巨浪來勢洶洶,三位資深金融業專家及創業家創立恩博資本(GoImpact),構建一個基於三大支柱的ESG生態圈,促進實現可持續發展。 GoImpact成立兩年多以來急速發展,最近完成A輪融資,總估值達2,200萬美元,將進一步強化各支柱,同時進軍更多市場。
Why GoImpact believes that education is the key to promoting ESG investment
Investing in climate tech has become increasingly popular. We at GoImpact believe in the importance of making informed decisions. Learn more about why #education is the key to promoting ESG investment here in the interview of our CEO & Co-Founder, Helene Li with e27.