
GoImpact倡企業加強ESG教育 齊心推動香港綠色發展
ESG教育者GoImpact今日於媒體見面會上表示,無論是上市公司抑或是中小企業,均應加強ESG的知識,合力推動香港的綠色前景,迎接將於今年 11 月舉辦的《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》第 27次締約方會議(COP27)下,全球更嚴格的ESG要求。

隨著前所未有的ESG(環境、社會及企業管治)浪潮湧入亞洲,越來越關注可持續投資的私人投資者有望成為監管機構以外最大的推動力。── 區倩怡;編輯 鄧詠筠
「相信大家已經見到大量資金正流入與ESG相關的資產及ETF,」站在位於香港的共享辦公室中,ESG及可持續金融初創公司恩博資本(GoImpact)的合辦人陶懷方向「影響力投資及可持續發展大趨勢」課程的學生介紹道,「我們意識到在投資者和企業方面存在ESG領域的知識缺口,透過這些課程,希望我們能夠一起努力,實現聯合國設定的碳中和目標⋯⋯」這堂課看似普通,但在螢幕後越洋上課的卻非一般學生,而是來自大型銀行、跨國企業、保險公司和上市公司的高級管理層 — 他們希望透過課程,了解席捲全球的ESG投資趨勢。隨著前所未有的ESG浪潮湧入亞洲,越來越多私人投資者和企業高層已經意識到,ESG已不再是流於表面的投資理念,而是會實際影響企業表現以至資金來源的大趨勢。推動落實ESG目標的真正推手,亦因此由過去的監管機構,逐漸變成手持250萬億資產的私人投資市場。

AsianInvestor: Assets in commodity-rich emerging economies well-equipped to weather inflation
Assets in commodity-rich emerging economies well-equipped to weather inflation. Asia’s emerging economies are likely to weather the inflation and geopolitical woes plaguing developed markets today, with assets such as long-term bonds and commodity and energy shares presenting good opportunities to institutional investors. However, Rate Hikes from the US Federal Reserve could have a profound effect on emerging ,markets, while China could have a major role in Asian markets’ post-pandemic recovery. While the US battles record-high 7.9% inflation at home and Europe is preoccupied with an energy crisis and geopolitical uncertainties, emerging economies rich in natural resources and commodities will likely survive and could even thrive. Our Co-Founder, Clarence T'ao, expressed his views at AsianInvestor on the impact of interest rate hikes on ESG investing, its impact on Asia and emerging markets and what ESG assets would be benefited and would be lost together with industry expert, Mark Nash of Jupiter Asset Management.