Clarence T’ao
Former CEO of BNP Paribas (China)
A veteran banker having extensive experience in the financial markets in the APAC region, China and Canada, Clarence has accumulated broad banking and market knowledge which spanned loan syndication, structured finance, acquisition finance and corporate and private banking.
Before his last assignment at BNP Paribas in wealth management, Clarence was based in Shanghai and served as the CEO of BNP Paribas (China) between 2010-2014.
Prior to joining BNP Paribas, he has held various senior positions with Citibank and the Chase Manhattan Bank. Since November 2018, Clarence decided to pursue his own interest.
He is a Co-Founder of GoImpact, and is the Founder of Immortelle Health, and an Advisor to the Private Exchange Group (an on-line digital exchange).